Using adb tools in Linux to remove bloatware from my Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra

Samsung included a lot of bloatware on my Galaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G, and it is not possible to uninstall it using Play Store. However, it is possible to remove this stuff using adb tools. I got rid of the bloatware I don’t want very easily using the Linux version of the adb tools.

I have never had a Facebook account and never will, so I decided to remove all trace of it as follows:

1. Installed adb tools

In Lubuntu 20.10:

user $ sudo apt install android-tools-adb

In Gentoo Linux:

root # emerge dev-util/android-tools

2. Enabled ‘Developer Options’ on the phone

‘Settings’ > ‘About Phone’ > ‘Software Information’ and quickly tapped 7 times on ‘Build number’.

3. Enabled USB Debugging on the phone

‘Settings’ > ‘Developer options’, scrolled down and tapped on ‘USB debugging’.

4. Launched adb

user $ adb start-server
* daemon not running; starting now at tcp:5037
* daemon started successfully

5. Connected the phone to the computer using the USB cable

A few prompts on the phone asked whether or not I wanted to allow USB debugging. Tapped ‘Always allow from this computer’ and tapped ‘OK’.

6. Uninstalled Facebook

The packages I needed to uninstall were:


First I tried to uninstall with the ‘-k‘ option:

user $ adb uninstall -k --user 0 com.facebook.appmanager
The -k option uninstalls the application while retaining the data/cache.
At the moment, there is no way to remove the remaining data.
You will have to reinstall the application with the same signature, and fully uninstall it.
If you truly wish to continue, execute 'adb shell cmd package uninstall -k'.

See ‘Difference between pm clear and pm uninstall -k on Android

I have never been a member of Facebook and never will, so I dispensed with the ‘-k‘ option and entered the following commands:

user $ adb uninstall --user 0 com.facebook.appmanager
user $ adb uninstall --user 0 com.facebook.katana
user $ adb uninstall --user 0
user $ adb uninstall --user 0 com.facebook.system

I didn’t want the LinkedIn, Samsung Global Goals and Spotify apps either, so I uninstalled those too:

user $ adb uninstall --user 0
user $ adb uninstall --user 0
user $ adb uninstall --user 0

7. Stopped the adb server on the computer

user $ adb kill-server

8. Unplugged the phone from the computer.

That’s it.

In order to disable the apps using this method, you will need to know the exact package name of the app you want to get rid of. For this, use Play Store and install App Inspector (there are several apps with this name in Play Store; I installed the app by Projectoria Ltd but the others look OK too). Launch App Inspector and you can find the package name under the name of the app. This starts with a ‘com‘ or ‘net‘ followed by words separated by dots.

For example, App Inspector shows the package name for LinkedIn as ‘‘.

Some useful links:

To get a list of all the packages installed on my phone:

user $ adb shell pm list packages

To get a list of system apps only:

user $ adb shell pm list packages -s

To get a list of only Samsung packages:

user $ adb shell pm list packages | grep samsung

To search for e.g. facebook packages:

user $ adb shell pm list packages | grep facebook

(Returns nothing now, as I already deleted all the Facebook packages. Yay!)

To search for other packages, e.g.:

user $ adb shell pm list packages | grep kids

About Fitzcarraldo
A Linux user with an interest in all things technical.

7 Responses to Using adb tools in Linux to remove bloatware from my Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra

  1. tonyawards says:

    Thanks so much for this one, Fitzcarraldo. I’ve got the same phone and would love to finally lighten the junk they saddle us with. I’m now on Arch, which I know isn’t really your thing, and your program isn’t there directly by name, but is this essentially the same program you are using:
    ( )? If that’s the case, I believe that this program in the AUR ( ) includes that same adb suite, do you think?

  2. viewinghood says:

    Thank you! What do you think in case of a minor update? Will the bloatware be reinstalled automatically? Then we need a script… 😊

  3. Edward says:

    i have no idea how i can thank you for i know that linux is the best system in world.

  4. Karthi Keyan says:

    Thank You so much , It works for my samsung galaxy m21

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